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新学期“典礼”篇 | 29年办学历程,扬帆新征程
2024-10-11 18:59:14   来源: 财讯网   分享 分享到搜狐微博 分享到网易微博





The start of the school year marks not just a new chapter in time, but also an opportunity for dreams to take flight.

Whether you're reaching for the stars, or exploring poetry and far-off horizons,

Limai will guide you toward a brighter tomorrow.


开学典礼,校长田杰先生同校党委书记杨乐霞女士、工会主席&副校长彭桂华先生、校长助理&招生品宣&语言中心负责人臧术东先生四位校级领导主席台就坐观礼。学校小初学部、高中学部、个性化中心、社团中心、综合办公室、招生办,品宣中心、综合服务中心等部门同全体师生共同在学校操场参加新学期开学典礼。在此特别感谢奥运村街道办事处副主任梁志峰先生亲临现场,共同见证力迈学子的新学期、新期望、新要求、新目标。At the opening ceremony, Mr. Tian Jie, the principal, along with Ms. Yang Lexia, the secretary of the school party committee, Mr. Peng Guihua, the chairman and vice president of the labor union, and Mr. Zang Shudong, the assistant to the principal and the head of the recruitment and language center, sat on the podium to observe the ceremony.The school's beginner department, high school department, personalized center, club center, comprehensive office, enrollment office, product promotion center, comprehensive service center and other departments, together with all teachers and students, attended the opening ceremony of the new semester on the school playground.Special thanks to Mr. Liang Zhifeng, Deputy Director of the Olympic Village Sub district Office, for being present at the scene and witnessing the new semester, expectations, requirements, and goals of Limai students together.




DREAM 怀揣梦想

Leading Master





Your decision to step onto the Limai campus reflects a clear and far-reaching vision. You carry with your dreams, aspiring to become outstanding talents equipped with exceptional international communication skills, seamless collaboration abilities, keen critical thinking, and remarkable scientific innovation. Limai School recognizes this expectation and is committed to being a solid support on your journey to realizing these dreams. We not only guide you to academic heights but also nurture your leadership and initiative, helping you confidently step into the halls of the world's top universities in the future. What is particularly precious is that each of you shines like a unique star in the night sky, adding endless color and vitality to Limai’s educational soil through your diversity and unique brilliance. This not only vividly illustrates the diversity of Limai’s campus culture but also stands as the best testament to our unwavering commitment to creating an open, inclusive, and respectful educational environment.








The Source of Harmony. Love is the gentlest force in the world. It fosters friendship among students, mutual understanding between teachers and students, harmony in families, and even peace in the world. Let us set sail on the boat of love towards the shores of growth.


规矩之道。无规矩不成方圆,规则是行为的指南针,自律的基石。学会遵守规则,不仅是对他人的尊重,更是自我成长的必修课。让我们携手共创 和谐共融的校园环境,展现谦逊、尊师、孝亲的良好风貌。

The Path of Rules. Without rules, there is no order. Rules are the compass of behavior and the cornerstone of self-discipline. Learning to follow rules is not only a sign of respect for others but also an essential lesson for personal growth. Let us work together to create a harmonious and inclusive campus environment.



The Light of Confidence. Self-confidence, mutual trust, and integrity are equally important. Believe in yourself—each of you is unique and full of potential. Trust others, especially the teachers and classmates around you; their support and companionship are important. Uphold integrity by aligning your words and actions, making every promise a cornerstone of trust.


超越之翼。成长即能力之旅,勇于挑战自我,不断突破。利用图书馆的知识海洋、社团的广阔平台、公益活动的实践机会,全面提升学习能力、生活技能、人际交往、情感智慧及创造力。在追求卓越学术的同时,记得 身后有老师们坚定的支持与陪伴。

The Wings of Excellence. Growth is a journey of developing abilities, challenging yourself, and constantly breaking through limits. Use the knowledge in the library, the platforms of clubs, and the community service to comprehensively enhance your learning abilities, life skills, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and creativity. While pursuing academic excellence, remember that your teachers are always there with unwavering support and companionship.





Understand and develop the school's cultural connotations. Implement and highlight key areas, work diligently, and put the school's educational philosophy, teaching concepts, and student development goals into practice.


Fulfill the "Three Essentials" to comprehensively advance the school's high-quality development. Align your thoughts, clarify goals, and work towards the "high-quality, distinctive" educational goals. Seek quality from teachers, research, and classrooms, and focus on education and teaching as the center of solid work.

夯实“4E”,内培外招全面提升 师资质量。新学年要继续围绕“4E”择师标准上 下功夫,坚持“高品质、有特色”办学目标不动摇。在安全工作上做到零事故,在后勤保障上高效服务。我们要以实际行动,迎接力迈学校三十周年校庆。

Strengthen the "4E" and comprehensively enhance faculty quality through internal cultivation and external recruitment. Continue to strive for excellence in the "4E" teacher selection criteria in the new academic year, remaining unwavering in the goal of "high-quality, distinctive" education. Ensure zero accidents in safety work and provide efficient service in logistical support. With practical actions, we will welcome Limai School's 30th anniversary.



In the new academic year, with new achievements, new heights, and new challenges, we share the same interests, appreciate and respect each other, and enjoy equality and freedom! Finally, I wish all students good physical and mental health and progress in their studies! Wishing teachers a happy family and smooth work!




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